Thursday, July 17, 2008

Free Schools Using Study Technology of L. Ron Hubbard Give Hope to Kolkata Children

Bibha Kumari, Sohan Das, Pintu Das and Mukesh Paswan are excellent students. In fact, they are the best students at their school. But four years ago not only had they never seen the inside of a schoolroom but they never dreamed they would be able to do so. Now they have the opportunity to get real education and to truly transform their lives.
Four years ago, these children had never seen the inside of a school room. Now they are about to enter secondary school and the have the opportunity to truly transform their lives.

Ask Mukesh what he wants to do in life and he quickly replies, "I want to be a teacher and I want to help people." But it wasn't long ago that Mukesh was completely illiterate, without hope of ever going to school.

What changed these youngsters' lives was four free primary schools for poor and orphaned children in Kolkata (formerly known as Calcutta), India. The children attending these schools are from among the poorest strata in the region—those belonging to the Dalit caste, otherwise known as "untouchables"—and children from minority groups who have no opportunity for education in Kolkata. Because of their race, caste or ethnic background, these youngsters are denied opportunity and deprived of all facilities that are available to others. These schools bring hope to these children by providing them basic education. They were opened by Mohammad Khalil Ullah, who also provides meals, basic health care and medicine for nearly 585 students at his own expense.

Mohammad Khalil Ullah is a Scientologist. He and the staff members of these schools use study technology, developed by L. Ron Hubbard, which they credit for the incredible progress these students are making. Fifty-eight of the 585 students have now completed pre-school training in these free schools and are now being sponsored to attend secondary schools where they can complete their formal education.

Since news of the success of these 58 children has gotten out, these free schools have been flooded by parents and children wanting to enroll. In just the past 10 days, 65 new poor or orphaned students have been admitted.

One of the teachers at the free school on Convent Road said, "In the last two years since the free schools opened, the increase in literacy of the children has been so impressive. Now the parents and children are seeking further education—a goal they had no concept of before. These people were totally unaware of the possibility of education. The orphans now have a glimmer of hope."

Mohammad Khalil Ullah handing out school supplies to some of the children attending one of his free schools.

For more information or to sponsor a child's education contact Contact: Mohammad Khalil Ullah.

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