Monday, August 22, 2011

Scientology Religion

The Scientology religion was founded by American author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed by Scientologists in Los Angeles in 1954. Today the religion spans the globe with more than 9,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups in 165 countries.

The word Scientology is taken from the Latin word scio, which means “knowing in the fullest meaning of the word,” and the Greek word logos, meaning “study of.” It literally means “knowing how to know.”

Scientology holds that Man is an immortal spiritual being. His experience extends well beyond a single lifetime. His capabilities are unlimited, even if not presently realized. He is basically good, and his spiritual salvation depends upon himself and his fellows and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe.

L. Ron Hubbard discovered that a person is neither a body nor a mind but is a spiritual being, independent of both. An individual discovers for himself that Scientology works by applying its principles and observing or experiencing the results. The ultimate goal of Scientology is true spiritual enlightenment and freedom for the individual.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Thanks to scientific and technical advances over the last hundred years, most people today are materially wealthier than their forefathers. Yet, by their own accounts, the improvement in the quality of their lives has not matched their material gains.

In fact, it may be argued that people once were happier and more fulfilled. For some, material affluence breeds anxiety, a gnawing fear that if someone doesn’t take away their hard-earned acquisitions, the end of their days will prematurely arrive to finish the job. Others find death easier to face than a lifetime of assembly-line slavery, while most, in a less dramatic fashion, simply buckle down to lives of quiet desperation.

In this new millennium, most individuals have no real grasp of the factors that govern their existence. And yet, simply stated, if they had a greater understanding of themselves and their fellows, they would be able to improve conditions and thus live happier lives.

This, then, is the purpose of Scientology: to enable Man to improve his lot through understanding.

Friday, August 20, 2010

New Scientology Ads on the Scientology Video Channel

Since several weeks hundred thousands are experiencing a new type of ad on TV and on the internet: the new Scientology ads! Worth watching, it is not necessary to suffer through the MTV or VIVA shows, but the Video channel now shows them as well!

Check this:

Monday, June 29, 2009

Know Yourself - Know Life:

Scientology - Know Yourself - Know Life!

"You are not your name.
You're not your job.
You're not the clothes you wear or the neighborhood you live in.
You're not your fears your failures or your past.
You are hope.
You are imagination.
You are the power to change to create and to grow.
You are a spirit that will never die.
And no matter how beaten down,
you will rise again." - Scientology Video

"We're all looking for it.
Some of us have been looking our whole lives.
Some think they can buy it.
Some think they can wear it.
Some travel the world in search of it.
Most don't even know what they're looking for.
But we all feel it.
That aching desire.
That unexplainable emptiness that can only be filled by one thing:
the truth." - Scientology Video

"Its shiny cars, wistful eyes and roast beef for dinner.
Its questions and answers and 'I don't knows.'
Its finding true love and losing it and finding it all over again.
Its music and sensation and touchdowns and chocolate.
Its spirituality and inspiration and money and traffic jams.
Its disaster and heroism and paper clips and knowing when to breathe.
Its flirting and tasting and curiosity.
Its fast and its slow and its rising and falling.
Its every moment. Every hope. Every dream.
Every piece of the cosmic puzzle.
Its life. And its yours." - Scientology Video

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Adventures: Scientology Volunteers in India

Scientology Volunteer Ministers, Nick and Erin, traveled to Kolkata, India in an effort to make a difference.

Every year, 26 million children reach school age in India. With this, the problem of education in a severely overcrowded school system becomes even more unmanageable. Despite increased school enrollment, some estimate that as many as 50% of India's children do not attend school. That's more than 150 million kids.

"Slumdog Millionaire opened our eyes to the horrible conditions in India. We decided to go there and volunteer in the slums. We funded it ourselves," said Erin.

"We thought if we could bring help there to some of the children who had no formal education and no real hope in life, at least that would be doing something about it," said Nick.

While in India, Nick and Erin documented their work in the slums to communicate an accurate view of living conditions in India. "We wanted to let people back home know what it's REALLY like living here, and through raising awareness get more help to the people here, especially the children," reflected Nick.

These two young Scientology Volunteer Ministers helped teach English and mathematics to the slum children. They used study technology developed by L. Ron Hubbard to helping the kids improve their learning.

"Mr. Hubbard discovered that the first barrier to study is not having the real thing there that you are studying about. The real things or the object that you study are called mass," said Erin "So, for example, we made sure the kids had things they could actually count with, 5 little wooden blocks lets say that represented the number 5, so they didn't have to do it all in their heads. They liked that!"

"Conditions here are the worst of the worst, it's been just a continual amazement to both of us that there have been such magical moments, and bright smiling faces in amongst everything else. We hope you have been inspired to do something about it."

"With all that's going on in the world it can be very easy to get wrapped up in one's own problems. The truth is that there are so many people in need of help and with far worse conditions than most can possible imagine. We decided to turn our efforts toward others for a few months and make a difference."

For more information on the Scientology Volunteer Ministers program visit their web site at

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Scientology-sponsored Drug-Free Ambassadors Bring the Truth about Drugs to the Youth of Otara

Famous for its Saturday flea market, where thousands of residents and tourists come in search of bargains, fresh vegetables and fun, Otara, a suburb in South Auckland, New Zealand, is also known for its cultural diversity.
The program is based on the successful pattern developed by the Drug-Free Marshals in the USA, Africa and Asia — combating pro-drug propaganda and peer pressure by involving kids in educating other kids on the truth about drugs.

The mélange of Pacific cultures gives Otara its very unique character.

Unfortunately there is a darker side to this neighborhood as well, as statistics show that youth from Otara are more likely get in trouble with drugs and alcohol than kids in other areas of the city.

But the Drug-Free Ambassadors of Auckland have decided to change that.

And so you will see them at the Otara Flea Market, with their drug education booth, passing out booklets, inviting kids to join their team, and swearing them in with a pledge to set an example for their friends and families by living drug-free lives.

They are distributing brand new anti-drug booklets that give factual information about the most commonly abused drugs: alcohol, marijuana, inhalants, Ecstasy,
cocaine, Ritalin, crystal meth (methamphetmine), heroin, LSD and Oxycodone (painkillers).

The program is based on the successful pattern developed by the Drug-Free Marshals in the USA, Africa and Asia — combating pro-drug propaganda and peer pressure by involving kids in educating other kids on the truth about drugs.

The Drug-Free Ambassadors, sponsored by the Church of Scientology of Auckland, New Zealand, set up a booth at the Otara Flea Market to help kids learn the truth about drugs.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Scientology: Swedish Supreme Court decides in favor of Scientology Church

In October 2002 the Supreme Court refused to review a lower court decision and thus upheld that unpublished Scripture of the Scientology religion is protected by copyright law and may be kept confidential by the owner of the writings. The Scripture retains its unpublished, confidential status under the law.

“The decision is a victory not only for the Church but for all people who honor the laws of our country,” said Stockholm Church spokeswoman Gullevi Almgren.

The case started six years ago when a guy of Stockholm placed unpublished Scientology Scripture—earlier stolen from the Church of Scientology in Copenhagen—in the Parliament in Stockholm and then claimed it was publicly available.

He was convicted of copyright infringement in the District Court in Stockholm and was ordered to pay fines and court costs. On March 9, 2001, the Svea Appeal Court upheld the District Court ruling.

“We are extremely pleased that this important issue has been decided in favor of the people of Sweden. This sends a message to those who try to put themselves above the law,” said Almgren.

The Scientology religion was founded by author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church was established in 1954 and today has more than 8 million members in 154 countries. The Scientology religion has been established in Sweden since 1969 and received official recognition from the government in 2000.